Director / Artist : Lea Walloschke
Post Tiger King has been selected by the ALC Video Art Festival 2022. It will be screened in MACA, the Alicante Museum of Contemporary Art. Find out more here:::
Production Designers: Lea Walloschke / Thomas Stammer
Director: David Wnendt
Writers: David Wnendt, Felix Lobrecht
Producers: Seven Elephants
The movie is an adaptation of the bestseller Sun and Concrete, set in 2003. We watch our main character, a teenage boy, struggle through the rough conditions of the early noughties in Gropiusstadt. He and his friends live in different worlds that are only separated by thin walls in the densely populated Gropiusstadt. The hottest summer in Berlin paints a picture of desolate parks and sweaty young people in one of the most important phases of their lives. Their wild search for escapes leads to powerful transformations and comedic situations which give the film strength, as does the brutal setting of the overheated concrete architecture.
Production Designer: Lea Walloschke / Thomas Stammer
Director: Lars Montag
Producers: UFA Fiction
In Disco Bochum, the glitter and glamor of the emerging disco movement meet the dusty
crushing social fabric and antiquated gender expectations of the 1950s and early 1960s.
In the tension between generations, the façade of a family unit can no longer be maintained. The diverse characters break into a new era and reinvent themselves and their world in the disco fever of the 70s. Their tightly interwoven stories raise sociopolitical questions regarding normativity and escape the soot of the stronghold of Germany’s coal industry in their very own way.
Production Designer: Lea Walloschke
Director: Noaz Deshe
Writers: Noaz Deshe
Producers: Arden Film
The script of Ghost in the Radar is based on real stories and ideas of people stranded in the infamous Softex refugee Camp in Greece. Through creative workshops Noaz Deshe captured and catalyzed their incredible visions of a film that visualizes the internal world of living in a prisonesque uncertainty for years. Their script ideas and characters are incoperated in this unique ongoing film project. As the characters struggle with everyday life in the camp and their unknown future they find an escape in their imagination, transform into heroes and zombies, fight a mystical sleeping sickness and flying tents. The main character eventually finds a way to reach a dreamy version of Sweden, where he gets to meet his drowned brother…
Sagenumwobene Kriegsheldinnen der Antike… bis heute Symbolfiguren für weibliche Herrschaftssysteme… Was passiert, wenn so eine echte Amazone den Himmel der griechischen Götter verlässt und auf der Erde, genauer gesagt hier in Eberswalde landet? Was hat sie in den letzten 3000 Jahren verpasst? Wie ist die Debatte um die Gleichberechtigung vorangeschritten, außer dass jetzt keine*r mehr mit dem Schwert drauflos schlägt? Was kann sie mit dem Begriff Gender Pay Gap anfangen und was bringt sie mit zur Gender Reveal Party? Als schlagkräftige Vertreterin des Matriarchats sucht sie die Auseinandersetzung mit den vorherrschenden Machtstrukturen und bringt eine neue Perspektive in den Geschlechterkampf.
ES SPIELEN: Abdi M. Aden, Dirk Beier, Buche, Cathrin Clift, Keule, Stefan Neubacher, Jan Noack, Wyclef Otino, Alexander Reichert, Susanna Schmidt, Anna Siegenthaler, Nina Stobbe, Anastasia Suvorov, Paula Thormann, Melanie Ulmer, Svenja Vaqué, Ingrid Wilke, Fritz Winkler und andere
TEAM: Regie: Heike Scharpff, Text: Lea Walloschke, Dramaturgie, Video & Licht: Sebastian K König, Ausstattung: KOIKATE, Musik: Ansgar Tappert, Choreographie & Regieassistenz: Polyxeni Angelidou, Ausstattungsassistenz: Hans Werner, Kostümassistenz: Mária Cukorová, Produktion:Lactate Cultura GbR, PR: Ulrich Wessollek, PR-Assistenz: Anna-Siegenthaler, Foto: Konstanze Flamme, Lea Walloschke, Ulrich Wessollek, Bühnenbau: Roman Vlay, Unterstützung: Denny Eggert, Carsten Jess, Grafik: CARRASCAL/DINDIN COMMUNICATION DESIGN
The project ‘Topoi Withdrawn’ will examine the Topoi of withdrawnness by investigating a place that instigates withdrawnness, Chalk Hill. Not without reason one famous ancient Greek topo is Arcadia, that is mostly described by it’s stunning nature, and seems to resemble descriptions of paradise.
The theme of nature and withdrawnness has inspired many authors, or touched their works, for example the novel, The Wall, by
Marlen Haushofer. By cutting out society as a constant surrounding, the main character leads what seems to be a quite physically exhausting but fulfilling life in nature.
Are we more fulfilled when we are by ourselves in nature, or do we struggle? Is the dream of fulfilling solitude in nature a myth, or which part of it is, and which part not?
Where are we, when we are withdrawn, how much of it is an inner state, or is it defined solely by our environment?
What is withdrawn art, and is art not always created withdrawn, as artists mostly need quiet to create?
The place itself becomes the main theme of the project ‘Topoi Withdrawn’, which tries to find a new way, or its own way of portraying a place.
Each place has its own stories, its own feeling, its own sounds and colors.
Eine Kooperation des Stadtmuseums Eberswalde und des Kanaltheaters von 2017 - 2019